Workpackage 7: Case Studies from
Slovenia: Developing innovation driven economy
WP Leader: Marko Jaklic,
University of Ljubljana, Contact:
Identifying and exploring
surprising outcomes in terms of enhanced global market
competitiveness in three to five companies
Investigating the role of
local actors and their abilities to obtain and exploit
regional and national resources in the development of
the individual businesses and substitute the black holes
in the national institutional setting
Explaining the outcomes by
exploring the importance of:
Actors’ regional,
national, professional communities, labor market
dynamics, the welfare system and legacy of the civil
Policy making tools at
the local and national level
Description of work
The Slovene case will start
with the report on the institutional context in Slovenia
with respect to innovation and the analytical assessment
of the policy centered approach in Slovenia. This report
will serve as a starting information point for all
actors in the phases that follow. In the next phase we
will select 3-5 cases, each presenting one type, for a
detailed case analysis. The idea is to show how the
investigated cases relate to the institutional context.
The finding of the first draft of the analysis will be
presented and discussed in a Large Group Intervention in
Slovenia where different social partners and
policy-makers will engage in discussion and mutual
exchange of views and ideas. New participants will be
included in the series of large group intervention
processes from the national (Slovene) and international
(Nordic) context (practitioners, policy makers,