Transnational learning through local experimenting:

the creation of dynamic complementarities between economy and society

TRANSLEARN is an EU funded research project.

Workpackage 2: Case Studies Denmark: new forms of work organisation, firm organization and regional labour markets

WP Leader: Peer Hull Kristensen, Copenhagen Business School, Contact: phk.cbp[at]



Identifying and explaining surprising outcomes in terms of enhanced global market competitiveness in several subsidiaries of multinational corporations

Investigating the role of local actors and their abilities to obtain and exploit regional and national resources in the development of the individual businesses

Explaining the outcomes by exploring the importance of:

  • Actors’ regional, national and professional communities, labour market dynamics, welfare society and the legacy of civil society

  • Policy making tools, available at the local and national level


Description of work

By investigating a number of subsidiaries of multinationals in Denmark, we will explore different forms of high performance organisations and ways to organise dynamic labour markets. The aim is to investigate in depth how welfare state institutions, IR and labour market can be used in different ways to create powerful economic actors both at the level of firms and of individual employees. Whether and how (1) This enables subsidiaries to establish new governance relations to their owners; (2) These transformations are also reflected in the role of labour market organisations/social partners and their capability to collaborate and negotiate in new ways at different levels; and (3) This may combine to create dynamic local economies. Research is based on fieldwork, expert interviews, secondary sources and action research.




























© Helsinki School of Economics